MUDr. Šárka Stiborová - Plastic surgery in Brno

Removal of Skin Excess

The surgery is suitable for removing unsightly skin excesses that most often occur with increasing age and after significant weight loss. The skin most commonly loses its natural elasticity in the inner surfaces of the upper arms and thighs. The removal of skin mounds is performed surgically, always resulting in scars.

The course of the operation

The operation is performed under general anaesthesia during hospitalisation, the hospitalisation period is around 1-4 days. The operation takes about 1-2 hours, there are several surgical techniques, the choice of the most suitable one depends on the quality of the skin and the size of the skin excess. We always use a skin incision to penetrate the subcutaneous tissue to the muscle fascia and remove the excess skin with the subcutaneous fat layer, we suture the incisions with absorbable suture material, usually we introduce suction drains.

Postoperative course

The drains are usually removed on the 1st-2nd postoperative day, depending on the amount of fluid inflow; it is also necessary to wear special elastic underwear for at least 4-8 weeks. Remaining sutures are removed on approximately postoperative day 10-14. For about 4-6 weeks it is advisable to avoid major physical exertion and sports, the next two months only with elastic underwear.

After the wounds have healed, it is necessary to take care of the scar - lubricate the scar, perform pressure massage, use plasters or ointments containing silicone, protect from sunlight for at least 6 months.

Risks of surgery

The most common complication is the formation of seroma - a yellowish fluid accumulating in the subcutaneous tissue, requiring repeated punctures.

Other complications include bleeding, hematomas, wound infection, wound breakdown. With these complications, reoperation is sometimes indicated, followed by prolonged wound healing. Every surgical procedure leaves a scar. This will mature according to the individual's healing process (determined by heredity), and it takes approximately 1 year for the scar to mature. The operated area periodically experiences a loss of sensation when small cutaneous nerves are severed, the return of sensation takes a longer time.

Serious risks of the surgery include the risk of venous thrombosis and possibly subsequent pulmonary embolism, which are more frequent with multiple associated diseases and the age of the patient.

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